Sunday, March 26, 2006

Maybe they were right??.....

I was sitting in my living room today playing with my one year old son. I began to ponder how happy it makes me just to sit and play with him. To hear him laugh is like medicine for a tired soul. His smile is like that first drink of cool crystal clear water after days in the desert with nothing to drink and sand gritting between your teeth. The words of many parents came to mind, "You'll never know how happy children make you until you have some of your own." Being the stereotypical child, I pretened to agree without giving much thought to the situation. Now that I have experienced the joy for myself, I can proclaim with many a new saved soul, "I have seen the light." Each day that little guy makes my heart bigger when he smiles at me, or climbs up on my lap and gives me a kiss. For those of you that have kids you know what I am talking about, for those of you that don't, let's just say I love being a Dad!

It makes me wonder what else my parents were right about?

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