Friday, March 30, 2007

Jurassic Farce

The other day I got home from work and Crystal was cooking dinner. I chased Beepers around for a few minutes and then I needed to look up something on the computer. So Beepers went off and was playing by himself. A few minutes passed and then there was an extremely loud noise that sounded like an explosion followed by static and noise. Crystal screamed and it made me jump in my chair. It only took a few seconds for me to realize that Beepers had turned the volume up all the way on the stereo and then turned on the radio tuner. I jumped out of the chair and ran towards the stereo as a frantic Beepers was running in the opposite direction screaming. I turned off the stereo and went to get Beepers and comfort him. It took a while to calm him down, but he finally stopped crying when Crystal came and comforted him.

The next day I was at work and Crystal called me. She said that she had used the stereo so that Beepers could watch his favorite show, Curious George. As soon as she opened the cabinet that held the stereo, he pointed at it and said, "Scary Dinosaur!". I guess that a dinosaur growl was the only thing that he could associate the noise and fright that he had experienced the day before. It's an interesting connection, but I am sure that he understands it quite well and still has a little bit of fear in him.

Hopefully it will be a while before he gets the courage to mess with the "Scary dinosaur" again.


Benjamin said...

Wowzers! Was there any damage to the system??? I mean the stereo, not your physiological system...

Mac G said...

No luckily everything still sounds good. I was pretty worried at first, but I think that he learned his lesson.