Sunday, December 09, 2007

Conversational Wizard

This was part of a Saturday morning breakfast dialogue between Beepers and myself.

Beepers(B): sniff… sniff. I smell something..

Me: What do you smell?

B: I don’t know, but I smell something.

Me: Do you need me to change your diaper?

B: No.

Me: Are you sure you don’t need your diaper changed?

B: I don’t need my diaper changed!

B: I smell something. (Wrinkles nose).

Me: What does it smell like?

B: It smells like poop!

Me: What is it then?

B: I think it’s you.

What do you say to that!


Crystal said...

This story makes me laugh, but perhaps it made you feel a little bad when Beepers thought you smelled funny.
Today Beepers was playing trains with Josh. Josh said trains are for boys. I said some girls like trains and said that I kind of liked playing with them. Beepers said, "you're not a girl." When I questioned what I am, he said, "you're a mommy." It's funny, but it hurt a little.

MNCarlsson said...

So... what did you say?