Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hey look, I'm actually not dead and I can still type. I am not quite sure why I haven't written a post in such a long time, other than the fact that I didn't think that I had anything interesting to write about.

So for the past year, Crystal and I have had a membership to the South Davis Recreation Center aka the Gym. We have had a ton of fun taking Beepers swimming and he loves it. I decided that I wasn't going to let all that money go to waste so I started to go to the gym in the morning before work. I usually spend some time on the treadmill and I have surprised myself at how anyone can do well if they just keep doing it.

Seeing as how I am a freak and I love to keep track of numbers, today marked the 200th mile that I have run or walked on the treadmills at the gym in the last year. I know I toot my own horn a lot on this blog, but I figured that it was a good accomplishment. Here's to the next 200!


Crystal said...

Although I've told you this before, I want to say again that I'm impressed!

Benjamin said...

You are impressive! I mean, you could have been writing about passing your 200th kidney stone, right? And you wouldn't even have had to change the title of your post!