Saturday, April 14, 2007

No place like home...

Once again today, I proved the point that I am in fact a geek. I saw the following doormat and laughed like a madman.

I want to find one of these for our house, but Crystal said no!

The other day I had a similar experience when I found a Dilbert cartoon particularly funny, and I went to show it to Crystal and realized that she didn't know or want to know about SQL databases and why the joke was funny. I guess that humor is also a byproduct of what we individually learn.

Edit: As requested here is the Dilbert cartoon.


Brent said...

Great mat. A test of computer savviness for everyone who enters your house. How about posting that Dilbert for those of use who can't get enough SQL jokes?

The Artist said...

HAHAHA.. love the Dilbert.

Also love the door mat, but the one that says Go Home upside down is more my style. Hah!