Saturday, August 25, 2007

Are pictures really worth a thousand words....You tell me?

Welcome baby binkers! 8lbs 7oz, 20 1/2 inches long. Born at 5:20 pm mountain time 8/24/07


Benjamin said...

Congratulations! Now pull your head out and tell us if it's a boy or a girl!!!!!

MNCarlsson said...

A picture is worth a thousand words, but apparently we needed a thousand and one.
Specifically a 3 or 4 letter one such as boy or girl. :) However a name of any length would have been helpful too! (Hopefully not one that could either way since it's a pretty big clue!)
I'm sure it was a crazy day, and we're very glad that things went well.
XX's and OO's

Melanie said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful (I always think of your baby as a girl. Since you aren't saying, I am going with my gut!)!